
Fallout shelter rare weapons list
Fallout shelter rare weapons list

fallout shelter rare weapons list

You should also make sure to keep some backup higher-damage weapons handy to equip any new dwellers. Only salvage or sell low-damage weapons when you've equipped all of your dwellers. These weapons can help prepare your dwellers for vault incidents and attacks. You may be tempted to scrap and sell weapons that your explorers aren't using, but you'll find better use out of them by equipping your vault dwellers. Use Spare Weapons to Equip All of Your Dwellers

fallout shelter rare weapons list

You should also make sure that you have enough dwellers to utilize these extra rooms, otherwise they're a waste. Rather focus on expanding when you have enough electricity capacity. Those days are gone but these weapons are still a rare and sought after The Fallout 76 Best Weapons Tier List is based on accumulated weapon stats for each. Don't Expand Your Vault Too QuicklyĮach new room in your vault consumes extra electricity, so you don't want to needlessly add rooms that you're unable to use just because you've unlocked them. To keep everything aligned, leave room for future expansions and build downwards instead of sideways if you need to add a new type of room.

Fallout shelter rare weapons list