
Call of duty cold war zombie-maps
Call of duty cold war zombie-maps

call of duty cold war zombie-maps

The wonder weapon for Mauer Der Toten is the CRBR-S, another really fun gun to take control of. She turned on Omega to access the Dark Aether and control the zombies here. The main enemies here are the Krasny Soldat that is just a repurposed Panzersoldat, and the Disciple that empowers normal Zombies and will drain your health.įocusing on the story, our group of Requiem agents was captured by Omega during the second main Easter egg quest in Outbreak and forced by Kravchenko to stop Valentina. Once at the bottom, you make your way to the subway to find power and then make your way back up to the other side of the Berlin main street to find Pack-a-Punch. You start the match on top of a tall building and zipline between a hotel and convenience store as you make your way down to street level. Mauer Der Toten is a really fun Zombies map that focuses on a vertical alignment.

Call of duty cold war zombie-maps